Tiffany II
Plan Details
Tiffany II
Plan #:2777
Priced From:$967,900
Sq Ft Apx:2777 - 4053
Baths Full:2 | Baths Half:
Primary: Downstairs
Living Areas: 2
Dining Areas: 2
Stories: 1
Garages: 2
Floorplan Options
Option: add Gameroom
SQ FT APX: 3236
Price Range:
Option: add Gameroom & Media Room
SQ FT APX: 3552
Price Range:
Option: add Bedrooms 5 & 6, Bath 3 and Gameroom
SQ FT APX: 3748
Price Range:
Option: add Bedrooms 5 & 6, Bath 3, Gameroom and Media Room
SQ FT APX: 4053
Price Range:
Floorplan Options
Option: add Gameroom
SQ FT APX: 3236
Price Range: $1,002,900
Plan: 3236
Option: add Gameroom & Media Room
SQ FT APX: 3552
Price Range: $1,027,900
Plan: 3552
Option: add Bedrooms 5 & 6, Bath 3 and Gameroom
SQ FT APX: 3748
Price Range: $1,044,900
Plan: 3748
Option: add Bedrooms 5 & 6, Bath 3, Gameroom and Media Room
SQ FT APX: 4053
Price Range: $1,069,900
Plan: 4053
Upgrade Elevation E - One Story Design #2777
Upgrade Elevation F - Two Story Design #3748/4053
Elevation A - One Story Design #2777
Upgrade Elevation E - Two Story Design #3748/4053
Elevation A - Two Story Design #3748/4053